Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-06-22 - 6:32 p.m.

Note from 3/26/02: Why are all you guys looking at this entry? It's boring! And it doesn't at all set the tone of later entries. Go back to the Older Entries list and pick an entry with an interesting title, for Pete's sake! :)

I wonder if I can make an online diary that is completely devoid of anything of substance. There's too much substance on this site!

Recently, I got back in touch with a college friend who is now living the good old Wiccan lifestyle out in Texas with her husband and daughter. Boy, do I feel way behind!

For anyone who lives in Orlando or in Central Florida, you all know I-4 sucks. Today it sucked worse than ever. A normally 45-minute drive to work took me 90 minutes today. And it wasn't rush hour.

This weekend I have practice for a fashion show I am helping a friend with. It's fun being looked at as attractive, especially growing up very curvy in a family of very skinny people.

"You're not the bad seed," my little sister said when I complained once. "You're just the big seed."



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