Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-07-12 - 3:02 p.m.

So the electric company cut us off.

No electricity at home.

They said I hadn't paid the bill.

I said I'd been staying at my boyfriend's mom's place because my boyfriend's dad just died and not all of my mail had gotten through. Plus, weren't they supposed to call me before they cut it off?

We tried, they said, but we don't have a phone number for you and neither does Directory Assistance.


Every month, I pay my bill by phone. At no time has any Florida Utilities employee ever asked for my phone number.

Additionally, when I signed up for local phone service with Sprint, they asked if I wanted to be listed and I said Yes, as M. Brown.

So they are charging me $27 to reconnect.

Never mind any extenuating circumstances.

Never mind the fact the Post Office does not always consider mail delivery a necessity.

Never mind their own regulations require them to notify me before they disconnect me.

None of that matters.


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