Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-08-07 - 12:12 a.m.

Ah, the weekend was fun. I had a very nice time at Berlin's party, even though I got there very late because, well, she's in Tampa, and I work two hours away in Lake Mary.

Berlin did a bit of horoscope analysis on a couple of us, and I learned something. "Do the guys you go out with ever tell you they don't know what the hell you want?" she asked.

"Only all the time," I said.

"That's very Piscean." She explained that I don't want to have to say what I want and I don't feel I should have to.

Funny that boys break up with me for what basically amounts to a character trait. So nice to know, finally, that the reason they leave is something I can't really help. That makes me very reassured for the future and for being able to settle down with someone rather than getting my heart broken repeatedly. It sure does.

Kitty is all curled up next to me in the other office chair. I had a nice bath. Life is OK. Maybe boys won't ever understand me, but it's nice to know that part of that is simply because of the way I'm wired.

Maybe they suck.


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