Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-09-18 - 5:02 p.m.

It's interesting, but there are some types of news that just fill me with the sense of utter panic. Yet I seek this news out anyway.

I'm not talking about the news you see on the TV. I'm talking about personal news. There are just some things I don't want to hear, yet I can't keep from trying to find them out.

I watched Emma again this weekend. At one point, she is so afraid that the man she loves (and has been friends with forever) will tell her that he is going to marry another, that she tells him to get lost and not to say something that will hurt them both.

He tries to get lost, but she runs after him and tells him that because he is her friend, she can't deny him the right to give her news. Now, that is part of it, and that's something I identify with, but she wasn't being totally honest with herself. She had to know the truth because torturing yourself with the truth is better than torturing yourself with speculations.

It's still torture, though.


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