Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-11-09 - 9:43 p.m.

Today I had my first interview at Lockheed Martin. Yes, they are trying to steal me away from the evils of where I currently work. More power to them! Tuesday I have another interview there, but for a different job. Wish me luck! If I get the Tuesday job I can afford my own place and will be able to pay off my car a lot sooner.

Currently, I'm at my regular job and dreading going back from break as I have been put on ISP calls again. I have taken three and there are five waiting in the queue. There is only ONE agent on the ISP account right now. One. Good planning, guys.

Cluster headaches don't make for happy techs. Don't suppose I'd mind so much if I got paid to take ISP calls. But I don't. I get paid to do emails and the calls are just a distraction. Grr.

Anyway, if I do get my own place I am going to get Kitty her own kitten to play with. Even though she doesn't like other cats, she very much needs a pal.

*pictures Kitty rolling a kitten around the floor like it was a croquet ball*



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