Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-11-13 - 7:31 p.m.

Wow, a lot happened today.

The most important thing I suppose was the interview at Lockheed Martin. It went quite well, and everyone was very personable. They asked me tech questions for about half an hour and then gave me an actual GUI test which I passed (87.8%, needed 75%) on hardware, software, and operating system troubleshooting. Guess I still remember enough of my Dell training to be halfway useful.


They are interviewing about 10 people for only three jobs and so I do not know what kind of odds I'm running, but we'll see.

If it doesn't pan out I will most likely send my stats in to the NYC firm that AAN gave me the address for. Maybe at that point something would be trying to tell me it's time to get the hell outta Dodge. My allergies are already telling me that. ;)

The bad news is that I appear to have lost my wallet. I got my cards canceled but had a prepaid phone card and some cash in there and it's just so annoying. The worst part is that I can't remember losing it but I can't find it any of the places it could possibly be.

This sort of thing has been happening a lot and it's getting dangerous. I think I am losing my mind.


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