Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-11-28 - 11:42 a.m.

So I couldn't sleep last night. I have way too much to do for the fundraiser and for some reason I just kept twitching like I was severely overcaffeinated.

So I took today off from work. Turns out it's a good thing I did because Sarah wants to read me the script for the fundraiser over the phone and if I were at work I wouldn't have gotten that message till at least 10:30 tonight. Hmm.

But my taking the day off from work has for some reason royally pissed Nick off. He is very angry with me. For not telling him that I was going to be taking time off, partially, and partially because he "can't get any work done" when I am in the apartment. Even if I am in the living room and he is in the office, I am "too distracting."

Gee, is that why he never did ANYTHING AT ALL during the 18 months we were going out?

I mean, I'd hate to think that was MY fault.


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