Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-02-25 - 9:41 a.m.

One of my favorite books, and one I always tell people to read if they want to understand me, is Albert Camus' The Stranger. The reason I'm so attached to that book is because I see it as a call to feel. Something. Anything at all.

The last phrase of the book goes something like this:

I hope there is a large crowd at my execution, and I hope that they greet me with cries of hate.

The lead doesn't really care if people hate him; he just wants them to feel something.

I've had trouble with others in my life seeming very un-feeling. For example, my first boyfriend. After he broke up with me (we were long-distance), he started going out with a local girl. A mutual friend of his and mine at his school said that she didn't seem to be making him happy, but she was local. In short, he was dating her not because he was all that passionate about her, but because she was there. I just thought that was so wrong and unfair, not only to me, but also to the other girl (not that I liked her or particularly cared about her but I do have a sense of fairness).

You shouldn't date someone who is just "there." You shouldn't date someone "just for the hell of it" or just because you couldn't be bothered to actually look for someone you might feel strongly about. You'd be doing yourself and them a disservice.

You shouldn't date someone just because you have a booty call and feel like you need some nookie. If you are pathetic and just can't control yourself, there are ways to get nookie outside of dating someone that are actually less disrespectful than dating someone just for sex.

Maybe I sound angry, but this issue really pisses me off because I see so many people falling prey to their gonads and ending up with someone they don't actually feel that passionate about. And I'm not talking about physical passion; I'm talking about love.



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