Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-04-04 - 8:34 a.m.

Funny, it really didn't seem like a difficult decision at the time. :)

I'm going to finish that dang newsletter today by hook or by crook. Yep. Definitely.

And get that tea.

I think brothers must be very weird. I have decided that from a conversation with him. Weird, but definitely funny. :)

And I did more stichomancy at Facade and got this:

You choose a copy of Familiar Studies of Men & Books by Robert Louis Stevenson from the library and opening to a random page you read the following...

"The artistic result of a romance, what is left upon the memory by any really powerful and artistic novel, is something so complicated and refined that it is difficult to put a name upon it and yet something as simple as nature. These two propositions may seem mutually destructive, but they are so only in appearance. The fact is that art is working far ahead of language as well as of science, realising for us, by all manner of suggestions and exaggerations, effects for which as yet we have no direct name; nay, for which we may never perhaps have a direct name, for the reason that these effects do not enter very largely into the necessities of life. Hence alone is that suspicion of vagueness that often hangs about the purpose of a romance: it is clear enough to us in thought; but we are not used to consider anything clear until we are able to formulate it in words, and analytical language has not been sufficiently shaped to that end. We all know this difficulty in the case of a picture, simple and strong as may be the impression that it has left with us; and it is only because language is the medium of romance, that we are prevented from seeing that the two cases are the same. It is not that there is anything blurred or indefinite in the impression left with us, it is just because the impression is so very definite after its own kind, that we find it hard to fit it exactly with the expressions of our philosophical speech."

Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amazing, practical, and always interesting.
someone who is constantly the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head.
They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding,
someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

Megan the Red Queen

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