Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-04-10 - 11:09 a.m.

Well, I made it in to work today but without my softball glove. We do have a game tonight but I am so sleepy that I am actually nauseated and I'm afraid that my freshly-cut-grass-induced migraines may come to roost. Arrrgh! And here I am trying to be a team player, but I can't fight my allergies or my own forgetfulness.

Last night at the club was kind of funny. I sicced Kant and Tween on each other and stood back to watch what would happen. I don't think I caught one word in ten, but that was probably a combination of the serious sleep deficit I am running and the volume of the music. I didn't really mean for them to have a serious discussion, but I suppose considering their personalities it couldn't have been anything else. :)


Megan the Red Queen

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