Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-04-12 - 12:55 p.m.

I just saw an ad for Van Wilder. Is it just me, or does Tara Reid look all used up? I don't know if it's the heavy tanning, overdone bleach job, or blue eyeshadow, but the poor dear looks dated and far older than her 26 years.

Today has been a pretty sleepy day for me. We have to do our employee performance reviews, and this is the first place I've worked since the Opera where I have to fill out my part of it first and then turn it in and then see if they agree with it.

I hate that process. Especially since when I worked at the Opera, not only did my supervisor and his supervisor lie outright both to my face and written in the file, but my supervisor also photocopied what I wrote (which he wasn't supposed to do) and then left the originals lying around in the copy room for anyone to find, which he definitely wasn't supposed to do. What a tard.

Speaking of tards, and "definitely," what is it about the Internet that makes people completely unable to spell the word "definitely"? I NEVER see it right. It's always "definately" (as if something could be "defaned" instead of "defined"), or "definatly". Dipshits.

Megan the Red Queen

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