Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-05-14 - 3:34 p.m.

I like to think that I was brought up to be an independent woman. Certainly my parents made a big deal over my getting a good education and working to support myself once I got out of college.

However, my examples were my dad, who goes to work every day and enjoys it, and my mom, who had only part-time jobs when I was growing up and that only after I hit fourteen or so.

The goal I ended up having was to be just like my mom, and the message I ended up getting was that if I were very kind and loved people and did nice things for them, I would be taken care of.

So far that hasn't happened. Don't get me wrong; I'm not really complaining. It's not as though anyone I've ever dated has asked me to marry them or has been in any sort of financial position to support me as a stay-at-home writer or mom or whatever. In fact, it's almost getting to be quite the reverse, where I may be able to support a "house husband" sometime in the not-too-distant future.

I don't know if I would want to be taken care of anymore, after years of doing it myself. Actually, I know I want to, but I don't know if I could let myself do it.

There's still a big part of me that does want to be taken care of, but the reality of my life is such that I probably won't ever get that.

Hmm. This post ended up being just another "I wasn't raised for this!" Heh.

On a total side note, I wonder if Ewan McGregor's appearance in Attack of the Clones will bring back the full (but well-trimmed) beard as a style option for today's young men? Opinions?

Megan the Red Queen

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