Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-08-09 - 11:49 a.m.

OK, you remember that part in Office Space when Bill Lumbergh says, "Oh, and, uh, Friday is, uh Hawaiian Shirt Day"? Well, today is Hawaiian Shirt Day.

I don't have a Hawaiian shirt. I possess taste instead. So I decided to make do with a Thai silk shirt.

They have some very tasty virgin pi�a coladas and strawberry daiquiris in the break room. They also have provided fruit salad, which I immediately checked out and then rejected as unsuitable for my dietary requirements.

You see, I am allergic to all types of melon. In the Northeast, you could sometimes find fruit salad without canteloupes and watermelons, but in the South, there is just no way.

I used to get allergy shots, four a week. Not for the melon allergy, but for various other things that are more important. However, I did ask what would happen if I had a bad reaction to something I ate or a reaction to the shots.

"Anaphylactic shock," said the nurse.

That didn't sound good.

"What is the remedy for that?" I asked.

"Did you ever see Pulp Fiction?"

"You mean the remedy is an adrenaline shot straight to the heart?"


Eeeeewww. I think I'm avoiding the fruit salad.

Megan the Red Queen

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