Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-09-19 - 10:03 a.m.

Last night, Will and I went to a play audition. It went pretty well. Though I wouldn't say I was perfectly suited for the female roles, I acquitted myself well and can be proud of my performance. At least I re-proved to myself that not only can I still memorize things at an unholy rate, I also look damn good in a gray ribbed sweater. :D

I won't admit to myself how much I want to be in a show again. It's been a very long time, and I'm very tired of having no creative outlets. But let's face it, the market for my look is not that big.

This morning I got an email from a College Program friend I hadn't heard from in ages! Wow! I never thought anyone would be able to find me because my name affords such instant anonymity! But she did.

Which Izzard Are You?

Kid Izzard: You still find a way to look at life in an innocent way, even though those around you marvel at your na�ve opinions. But the world wasn't made just for the grown-ups around you, so dodge your subway fare and get the most out of life!

Megan the Red Queen

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