Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-12-02 - 12:58 p.m.

You are so relevant
You reduce me to cosmic tears
Luminous, more so than most anyone
Unapologetically alive
Knot in my stomach and lump in my throat...
This weekend was great, but tiring. We got all the stuff done that we needed to and had some amazing escapades, including two--ahem--incidents in the woods along a public path that I never thought I'd do, and completely disintegrating two of six condoms, which I consider a high failure rate. What do you need to do to get strong condoms these days?

Quote for the day, by me, is "We're fighting against the current here with no potential reward, like salmon who aren't going to get laid." And yes, I know salmon don't technically have sex.

Megan the Red Queen

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