Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-12-11 - 12:08 p.m.

Last night I went to play practice, and that was fun and went well. Afterward I managed to meet Will at Bennigan's for a late dinner. He hadn't had such a good evening. One of his friends had called him, berated him for not spending enough time with his roommate (who is 26 and perfectly well capable of finding his own amusement), and declared me to be unworthy of dating Will. Apparently, this friend does not think I have a personality. However, he does think that the hoochie girl who wants Will so bad that everyone in the room can taste it is a nice person.

I'm not too happy about this. It's less for the personal insults, because I couldn't care less what a seeming antifeminist Nazi thinks about me, but more for the fact that I don't want Will to lose friends because of me. It just seems like the beginnings of big change like I described earlier... I just hope that he doesn't come to resent me for it.

Megan the Red Queen

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