Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-01-24 - 10:09 a.m.

Cinnamon is still not eating on her own. She acts like she has forgotten how to do it. If you put food near her she acts interested, and then she goes to it, and then she turns away and ignores it. She even has trouble drinking water. If she can lick it up the side of the bowl she will drink a little, but she does not lap out of the middle of the bowl like she used to.

But I have other tricks up my sleeve.

Last night I rolled her up in a towel so she could not get away and one by one put little bits of soft food on her nose and tongue. I think she ate about a teaspoon and then she ate about six Pounce treats on her own. I am going to try this force-feeding thing because I am not going to let her die.

Will is going to get a syringe and rubber tip from a friend of ours who does wildlife rescue. That way I can feed Cinnamon soft food easier. Also, I might be able to give her KMR (kitten milk replacement), which is the formula we fed Gryphon when he was a tiny baby cat. I'm waiting to find out if KMR is OK to give to adult cats. I know she would not suck it like a kitten would but since it is liquid maybe it would be easy to give to her. I thought since it was for kittens maybe it would have lots of calories and nutrition and so might help her gain weight or at least not lose any more.

She will go to the vet on Monday and get her liver numbers checked again. I think it's pretty clear that this cat has anorexia or the equivalent and that that caused the liver problem as a secondary illness. So if we can get the silly cat to EAT again, the liver problem should clear up.

Damn cat. You better get better. I need you. You are my best buddy!

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