Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-01-27 - 3:48 p.m.

OK, yeah, so, I spoke with two people at Adelphia. Chad was great. He set everything up but he said he had to transfer me to my local office to get them to actually activate the digital cable and internet at the new place.

Well, Patricia at my local Adelphia office may have just been having a bad day. Or she might be a complete and total bitch.

Anyway, she said she could not POSSIBLY get our cable/internet hooked up until February 3 at the earliest.

Well, I happen to want to watch 24 and Queer Eye For the Straight Guy tonight. So I am pissed off at this news.

"I was told that if I called here after I moved, you could turn on the cable from the office there," I began.

She interrupted. "Are you saying that you are going to hook up your computer YOURSELF?!" she asked incredulously, as though I had just proposed repairing the Mars rover from my personal desktop computer while she was on the phone.

"Um, yeah. It's already hooked up at the old place and--"

"OK," she said, in the tone of one permitting a crazy person to jump off the Empire State Building.


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