Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-01-28 - 10:55 a.m.

All righty then. This lady just called me to mediate in a dispute with her cubemate. They share a printer. The cubemate turns this printer off every night. The lady who called me does not want to have to turn the printer on every morning. Therefore, I must give the lady who called me some verbal ammunition to use in this dispute.

Is this fucking childish or what?

Yesterday, I got this call:

HER: Hi. I need the form to request Front Page 2002 for my computer.
ME: OK. *sends form in email* Do you have it yet?
HER: Yes, here it is.
ME: OK, you see at the bottom right there, it says "return completed form to" and it says a name and a location?
HER: Yes, I see that. So when I finish the form, do I just email you?


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