Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-02-23 - 11:46 a.m.

Well, what's been going on? On Saturday, my birthday, we turned in our final paper for the e-commerce class. You can view the paper in its full glory, complete with cheesy Front Page-formatting by me at my Rollins page. Whee!

Heh, most people I have talked to on the phone today have been EXTREMELY pissed off at me for stuff I can't control. Like, they will call and LIE and say that their network drives have never had quotas (LIE) and that I am making them take time out of their work day to fix their network drives (LIE). Those that haven't been extremely pissed off (three users out of fifteen) have been totally clueless or in Afghanistan. Which amounts to much the same thing.

Will got me some really cute Harry Potter Legos for my birthday. Gryphon had a lot of fun repeatedly knocking down the Quidditch hoops and trying to eat them. He also tried to eat Harry, but Harry escaped with Ron in the Flying Ford Anglia, leaving the hapless Draco to deal with the Giant Many-Toed Mutant Furry Beast of Hogwarts.

We also had sushi, which was VERY nice.

Sunday we organized all the furniture in the office upstairs. I now have a desk for my portable computer, and my diplomas are hanging nicely on the wall. I also managed to break that annoying light-colored wood desk. So I took it to pieces and it will be put in the trash this week. Woohoo! I feel really good about that, actually.

We also did the blue painting since we're done with the brown.

All this house stuff takes a long time, but it's fun!

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