Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-03-08 - 8:12 a.m.

Sometimes people are too bored or feel they are too important to wait on the line for us to pick up so they leave us messages and we have to call them back.

This is really annoying because they NEVER leave any useful information, ever, and then half the time when you call them back they are not at their desks. You don't have enough information to write a ticket (they never leave a problem description, or their machine name, or their location), but they expect that you are making them one anyway and then call back very angry when they find they don't have a ticket.

Anyway, this idiot lady just called and said that this OTHER guy needed a classified password reset.

Well, there's hundreds of different classified systems, so which one? I ask her when I make the callback.

Oh! she says. Um.... Well. He was working on the computer there.


And it was a Dell.

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