Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-04-21 - 5:04 p.m.

Don't you think that Slate's Dave Cullen could have found better examples of why Eric Harris was a weirdo than the fact that Harris didn't like people who can't speak or spell English properly?

I mean, he's basically saying here, "Look! It was obvious that Harris was a megalomanic psychopath with a Messianic complex and delusions of grandeur! It was obvious that he was going to want to kill lots of people! BECAUSE HE DIDN'T THINK PEOPLE SHOULD SAY 'PACIFIC' WHEN THEY MEAN 'SPECIFIC'!"

Well, I guess considering the serious problems most people have speaking, spelling, and writing these days, I should not be surprised that Harris's views on such would be deemed completely beyond the pale.

How asinine.

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