Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-11-20 - 1:49 p.m.

So this year in class, Psycho Hose Beast is coming up with some all-new howlers.

Last class, one of the groups used the phrase "e pluribus unum" in their presentation and asked if anyone knew what that meant.

I and most other people realized it was common knowledge and didn't answer because it wasn't really worth the group stopping their presentation--it seemed a rhetorical question.

Not good enough for Psycho Hose Beast. Up pops her hand. "United we stand?" she guesses.

Dear Lord.

In this class, the professor was introducing us to one of our guest speakers, who happened to be one of the authors of one of our textbooks.

This speaker/author had been a web designer for Howard Dean and our professor said that he even had Howard Dean's signature.

Psycho Hose Beast pipes up again. "Who's Howard Dean?" she asks, not like she knew she ought to know, but like everyone else was totally stupid for knowing.

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