Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2005-01-11 - 4:20 p.m.

Oh, I'm really impressed with this.

I talked to my supervisor this afternoon. They've decided that they can't have a six-week gap in my position and so when I go on maternity leave that will be the end of my rotation with this job (which was originally to go till May).

I might have had a shot at the permanent position here in marketing, had I not been pregnant, but since I'll be out I won't. Instead I am to go back to the helpdesk when I return from leave.

I've been keeping track of policies and currents at the helpdesk and it is a far more stressful and draconian place to work now than it ever has been in the previous three years.

I am SO looking forward to this.

Maybe I ought to go for my doctorate, just to make the whole situation that much more ridiculous.

Still wondering why I bothered to get my bachelor's degree,


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