Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-07-03 - 8:29 p.m.

Well, last week I went to a family reunion (my mother's side).

There, I accomplished many things. I taught an 18-year-old cousin how to take a tequila shot properly, and I taught a 9-month-old cousin how to crawl.

I also fell in the lake once while canoeing with my sister. That was lots of fun because the lake itself was not that cold.

She panicked, but not because she was afraid for her life. "MY SHOE!" she screamed. "MEGAN! MY SHOE! MY SHOE!"

We did make it to shore and nobody drowned, and the shoes were safe. So all's well that ends well, I suppose.

The only bad part of the reunion was being around so many adorable, well-behaved children. My clock is ticking so loud now my coworkers can hear it.

So I bought a lot of toys and food for my cat. Am I sublimating? I suppose so.

My cat lost her first baby fang last night. I also found out she and I have the same birthday--February 21. It was just meant to be.


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