Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-07-06 - 8:55 p.m.

Is it too much to ask that people talk to me when they have a problem with me?

I think most of the problems I've had with people have been with them being too passive-aggressive to talk to me about what they really wanted to talk about.

The rest of the problems stem from the fact that it seems that every guy I've ever dated has liked and respected me and thought I was fun to be with before we dated, and sometimes after we dated, but not during.

Also, what really hurts is when I find out how they treat their next girlfriends. I realize I must not be as pretty/interesting/funny as whomever they go out with next, but good Lord! Sometimes when I find out about the next one I wish I didn't know the exes were capable of that kind of respect. Because they didn't afford it to me.

It might be preferable to think they didn't respect and/or love anyone, rather than think it was just me.

But it was. I'm the only constant in this equation. There is something about me that is not worthy of the consideration you'd give a garden snail.


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