Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-07-07 - 10:48 p.m.

Let's say you have a significant other and you have been together for several months.

Let's say, furthermore, that you have repeatedly professed to this person that you really really really love him/her and care about what he/she has to say and what he/she thinks.

Let's also say that this person's musical tastes do coincide with yours in some cases, but are different in others.

Your significant other meets you for lunch with a very intense look in his/her eyes.

He/she hands you a cassette tape that says "Your Mix" on it and has a songlist on the case.

He/she says, "I just want you to listen to this once, for the lyrics. It will help explain how I feel."

You look at the songlist and realize the vast majority of the songs are not your type of song. However, you do supposedly really love this person.

Do you:

A. Nod, pocket the tape, listen to it at least once at home or in the car, paying special attention to the lyrics, and then discuss it with your significant other, or

B. Grimace at the tape, say, "It doesn't really look like my type of music," pocket the tape, and never mention it again, and presumably never listen to it?

One guess which answer happened to me...


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