Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-07-10 - 5:40 p.m.

Egotism is fun. And I like the e-mode tests, because they're cute and you don't have to take them too seriously. Not like that creepy personality test I took just now that told me I was not at all schizophrenic but that I was overly dependent and too theatrical.

(Laughs theatrically) HA! What a joke THAT is!

So here I'll list a few results. Note: this is only for the very interested:

What's Your Flavor?

Mmm ... pink grapefruit! Sweet and tart at the same time, you're bursting with sun-kissed goodness. If you were a song, you'd be "It's a Sunshine Day" by the Brady Bunch � you're just that perky and refreshing. That's not to say that you don't have an edge � quite the contrary. In fact, a little bit of sugar (aka gifts, praise, and other goodies) can always bring out your naturally sweet flavor. But when it comes down to it, you prefer folks who can match you in strength and independence. Luckily, that kind of attitude is appealing, so you always have 'em wanting more. Citrusy, tangy, and a little exotic, you're a truly tasty treat.

Megan says: Yeearrrrgh. Maybe I do make everyone sick.

What Type Are You?

You are an Intellect. If you were one of Charlie's Angels, you'd definitely be Sabrina, the brains behind the operation. Besides the fact that you're well-read and have an insatiable desire to learn, you can hold your own in any intellectual sparring match. With a wall full of diplomas, or at least a few in the works, your hobbies and interests reflect your intelligence. Whether you're reading the New York Times or catching up on the latest independent film, it's clear that your wheels are always spinning. You probably aced your SATs, tend to scoff at "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" (even though you know all the answers), and kick butt at Trivial Pursuit. Guys love the challenge of trying to seduce you. Your brainpower drives them crazy, and you're smart enough to know that it puts you in the driver's seat.

Megan says: Well, I do like Blossom best of the PowerPuff Girls.

Are You A Sex Goddess?

Inside you is a divine being, VENUS, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Let's just say that you are a deity with quite a fan club. Popular and pretty, you fill men with desire. Taking pride in your appearance, you have a very feminine way about you. Although you have perfected the art of innocent flirting, beneath that naive exterior lies a woman ready to hit the sheets and get busy. And once you're in the bedroom, your divine instincts take over. Smooth as silk in sexual situations, you know how to make your lovers melt. And you awe men with your sexual confidence and skilled performance. You are a diva of delight. Suddenly, like a light from the heavens, your partner discovers your true inner nature. Behold, the skies proclaim, here lies a goddess!

Megan says: Oooooohkaaay. *snicker* It can't all be true, or I wouldn't keep losing lovers at approximately the same rate I lose socks.

What Color is Your Aura?

We don't need a psychic to tell us that you're giving off a Turquoise vibe. Turquoise types are often intelligent, energetic leaders. Vibrant and dynamic, you take center stage wherever you go; people are naturally drawn in by your charismatic nature. You love to learn, and you excel at remembering facts and figures. More than likely, you're a go-getter with your eyes on the prize. Respect and influence tend to come to you easily, but that doesn't mean you sit around waiting for them. What fun is achieving something if getting there isn't a challenge? Always pushing your limits, you'd be a natural on Survivor � a healthy competitive instinct and a willingness to take risks means you usually reach your goals. You like to look, feel, and act your best; if all those ducks are in a row, nothing's gonna get in your way.

Megan says: I bet I'd do well on Survivor, but only if they'd let me bring my sunscreen.

Are You Naughty or Nice?

You're a Straight Arrow. You're all about sweetness, sunshine, and smiles. We've never met anyone nicer than you. In fact, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a peaceful green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand while your halo shines in the sun. Nah, we're just kidding. But you are an awfully good person. Sure, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stick to the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and-nudie-magazine crowd. It's all well and good to follow the straight and narrow, but it's okay to walk on the wild side once in a while, too. Have a drink. Make a crank call. Go to strip club. Trust us � as long as no one gets hurt, it's fun to be bad!

Megan says: I told you I didn't have a dark side. It was ripped away in a magical accident and reconstituted itself to become Britney Spears.

Now, here's the kicker:

The Astrology Matchmaker

Your stars are sending you straight into the arms of an ARIES man. Your future man's feistiness and energetic demeanor, coupled with his optimistic outlook, make the two of you a perfect match. As an Aries, his assertive, independent manner will guarantee him success no matter what career he chooses. The only problem is how little time he gives himself to achieve his high goals. Patience is definitely not an Aries virtue. His open heart and creative mind, however, give him an air of self-confidence that makes you melt. And let's not forget his very sexual, impulsive side. As a fire sign, he's able to ignite your passion, and he has no problem keeping your interest. His symbol is a ram, and he is respected most for his courage and bravery.

How to catch him:

An Aries man is adventurous, and he wants excitement in his relationships. Despite his questioning nature, he'll only fall for an honest, innocent woman. Possessing a fairy-tale approach to romance, he won't tolerate devious behavior. His adventurous nature extends to the bedroom, where he likes to act out all of his fantasies. In all respects, this man wants to take charge. So sit back and relax. Let him take the lead, make the plans, and take care of you. You'll be in good hands if you let him sweep you off your feet.

Megan says: Oh, for God's sake! Aries is probably the one thing I shouldn't date, but half the guys I have dated have been Aries. Herein lies a problem. Arrgghhhh.


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