Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-07-12 - 9:47 p.m.

Life is a funny, funny bitch.

Aside from the new hole in my jeans, of course.

According to thespark.com, I'm 42% gay, which is weird because I've never had sex with a girl or anything. Still, they did ask what age I was when I had my first kiss, and since I was 18, that probably made a difference.

If you don't have your first kiss till your freshman year of college, people assume that you were unsure about your sexuality. They don't take into account the fact that maybe nobody wanted to kiss you.

Thespark also says that I'm a Performer (dominant extrovert abstract feeler=DEAF). Go figure. Nobody on my list is a Performer. So I'm unique. Go figure again. The compatibilities are quite telling.

I just agreed to officiate at a handfasting for a friend next week. I don't know if I'm spiritually ready to do it, but he asked me specially, and so there but for the grace of God/dess am I.


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