Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-07-19 - 5:37 p.m.

Apparently I am a good mommy!

To a cat, anyway.

Kitty had her first vet appointment today. It was overdue, but this was the first time I had both the time and the money to take her in.

She was so good! She did not complain when I put her in her carrier, she didn't cry in the car, and she didn't panic in the office.

Granted, that could certainly all be because she didn't have a clue as to what she was getting into.

When I pulled her out of her carrier, she didn't resist, but she was totally fluffed up. "Better make myself look BIIIG!" She didn't try to get away from the vet, or from me.

Poor Kitty got two shots, one for feline distemper, and one for rabies, and she got two different things shoved up her ass. She cried a little when that happened, but she was OK to go back in the box.

She has an appointment to get "fixed" in three weeks. I will be a nervous puddle of goo.

Hell, I was nervous about the shots. My aunt's cat got a "routine" shot in her leg, but they hit a nerve which died, and the poor kitty had to get her leg amputated!

But my Kitty is fine. She weighs just over five pounds, which is perfect for a five-month-old kitten. She doesn't have any parasites, even ear mites, and her teeth and eyes look "great".

Plus she is a "very pretty cat," according to the vet.

Whew. Maybe I can do this responsibility stuff after all.


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