Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-08-02 - 5:42 p.m.

I am so thrilled. We have been informed that our imprisonment as dual techs of both Fuse and iBasis will last for at least another month, possibly two or three.

This really bites. I know they're in a bind, but the fact is, they can't get away with making us work twice as hard for the same pay. It's not fair. And telling us that we should "think of Fuse and iBasis as one account" really doesn't help the situation.


On a good note, I turned in my application for the technical writing position in Winter Park today. I wonder if I'll get called back for it. I hate to be a pessimist, but I have never gotten a job that required more than one interview.

Mom says they'd be crazy not to hire me and that they probably don't have anyone with as good an education as I have applying, but I reminded her that no one in Florida has heard of Northwestern, and they all think I mean Northwestern Florida State or something.

Oh well. I'm sure I will learn to love taking phone calls for slave wages.


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