Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-08-08 - 8:48 p.m.

I knew my sarcasm would finally come home to roost.

But I don't feel bad about that.

I have been officially reprimanded at work for my handling of the situation with Mr. Piece Of Treif. (See here, here, and here for past developments with this idiot.)

It's not that my manager didn't agree with me when I rules-lawyered the guy by saying that he wouldn't have a leg to stand on suing us because he'd clicked the I Agree button to agree to our terms of service, but he could get in trouble for this and so I have to be reprimanded.

Oh, well. You know what? It was worth it!

My manager says I'd make an excellent lawyer and that if he ever needs a really good angry letter written, he'll come to me. Which is sort of cool. I knew I'd get in trouble for it, but that guy just needed a comeuppance. And this will be off my record soon. I have my manager's word that it will go no further.


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