Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-10-05 - 4:58 p.m.

Find out about your Chinese Zodiac sign.


Fire Snake
Snakes are the philosophers and deep thinkers of the Chinese zodiac. They are mysterious, clever, shrewd and sensual. They can be cruel and remote but if given the right start in life (a sound education and good moral guidance) they are useful and extremely practical. Snakes can see solutions where others might not even see a problem. They are indulgent and sophisticated, and move with ease and grace - languid and very stylish. Snakes are wise people who have explored the deep mysteries of life and know a lot. They are clever without ever appearing to do any work.

Snakes are perpetually curious about the world and love anything esoteric and secret. They are incredibly well-organized and will find quick and efficient ways to get things done � and one of their best points is that they always finish the things they begin.

Suitable Careers
Professor, Astrologer, Psychologist, Interior Designer, Personnel Officer, Philosopher

Love, Sex and Relationships
Snakes are sensuous and enjoy their relationships. They delight in sex, particularly in all its darker aspects, and can be considered extreme by some. They can be cold lovers, though, because they have an innate aloofness and remoteness that could be considered arrogant. It�s not arrogance, however, it�s just that they are always busy thinking. Snakes are passionate and very intense. They feel things deeply and analyse everything. They can become too intense and overwhelming. They love to flirt and will often be unfaithful, but it�s not because they don�t love their partners � they just occasionally need to check that the old magic charm is still working.

Business, Friends and Children
Snakes do well in any field of research, science and discovery. They make good scientists, philosophers and lecturers. They acquire lots of friends because they do like to hear confessions and have secrets revealed them - they are brilliant listeners. Snakes can make vague parents as they find it hard to concentrate on the trivia of children�s needs but they do inspire children to become educated and thoughtful and they will teach their children to love books. They are kind parents, if a little distant and remote.


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