Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-10-17 - 9:47 p.m.

I've been having some very vivid dreams lately.

Last night I dreamed I reconciled with a high school/college friend. We had a fight my senior year of college over a film project we were working on. Basically, I felt she was putting the project ahead of our friendship. Part of what happened was that both I and this particular guy applied for the art director position on the film. The guy got the position and I was kept on as kind of a general PA. The guy and I got a little physically involved, and I was kicked out of the project so as not to distract him. I blamed my friend for not sticking up for me.

The night before last, I dreamed I went back to high school and had a chance to get it right (� la Never Been Kissed). That was fun.

The night before that, I dreamed I kissed a friend of mine and it felt really good... until the guilt set in. I don't know why I dream about these things I wouldn't do in real life and don't think are worth it because of the problems they'd create.


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