Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-11-22 - 6:50 p.m.

Last night, I went to the Seven Nations concert with Nick, Walker, and Ace. It was a wonderful show and reminded me just how much I love those guys.

What I didn't count on was how many memories the music was going to bring back to me.

We always played Seven Nations in the car when I was driving Nick to and from his parents' place in Lake Mary. Their song "Scream" was on a tape I made for him while he was away in England in May of 2000.

Naturally, the band played that song last night.

...I scream from the earth
I scream at the sky
I scream for all I'm worth
I hope you're coming soon...

I began to cry. I didn't think Nick had any idea what he really meant to me. I turned around and finally, for the first time in days, was able to give him a hug. After the margarita, the tears streaming down my face tasted sweet.

Later, the band played "Twelve," a breakup song which has always been one of my favorites. Why did it fit so well?

Out from the ashes of gray desire
And out from the dream and into the fire...

No gods could be
That cruel to me
No gods could be
That cruel to me

Six minutes gone and I'm still alive.
Who would have thought that I would survive?

...With all lines repeating and nothing rehearsed
I feel so stupid,
I feel I'm cursed.
I don't want to think anymore.
I don't want to think anymore...

No gods could be
That cruel to me
No gods could be
That cruel to me.

And I blame the sun
And I blame the moon
And I blame myself
And I blame you...


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