Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-12-14 - 5:53 p.m.

I'm so tired of this. For months I've done nothing but push Nick to have a social life. I pushed him to get involved with the Crystal Ball. I told him about parties that were posted on Coven and arranged for him to get rides to them whenever I couldn't drive him. I begged him to go out with me and to go to parties and hang out with people.

Now that he is getting social calls, does he ask if I can come along? No. Never. In fact, he wants anything other than to hang out with me. He has gone clubbing an average of 7 out of every 11 nights, and other nights he just goes out. With friends. People, I might add, who claim to be my friends too but who refuse to invite me out as well. And Nick refuses to ask if I can come. And this time I'm not talking about clubbing, where I could just go myself. I mean I am strictly not invited.

He doesn't care about me. I give him first dibs on all my time because I only have a week left with him and may never see him again. Also, the only time I didn't give him first dibs on my time he got really huffy about it.

But he thinks nothing of telling me he is going out with people five minutes before he leaves when I had an evening planned with him.

And the people he goes out with, who SAY they are my friends, and then only want to hang out with Nick? How very polite.


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