Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-02-21 - 9:37 a.m.

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me!

Apparently, my birthday will be marked by the arrival of aliens on Earth.


I would also like to wish Kitty a happy birthday and to thank Keri for this:

Wowie! You are Lumos! You're a lot of fun and pretty damn cool, and you do things your own way. You may often be in a fantasy world, but that's just fine with you! Most likely you're also a big Harry Potter fan (who isn't, right?).

I've had some weird birthdays. On my second birthday, I was dropped on my head. On my twentieth birthday, I lost my voice during my radio show and it was gone for five days. On my twenty-first birthday, I caught the guy I was sort of with with another girl. On my twenty-third birthday, I had the flu and the next day I was roundly scolded for having missed work just in order to puke my guts out. Yaaay!


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