Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-03-25 - 3:04 p.m.

The center of the Celtic Cross (NOT SHOWN) is the card you have chosen to represent yourself.

QUEEN OF SWORDS -- A person of sharp insight, persuasive, powerful and thorough. If extroverted, an administrator, an organizer, a firebrand, splendid as a summer's day - and sometimes as overwhelming. If introverted, a person of deep sentiment, susceptible to flights of ecstasy, of the flames of inner torment.

The first card you have chosen has been placed on top of your card. This is the card that covers you and it represents the general atmosphere regardings your query.

TEMPERANCE (reversed) -- Excess. Imbalance. Indulgence. Polarization.

The second card (NOT SHOWN) is placed horizontally across the current two cards. This card represents opposing elements (for good or evil) surrounding your query.

KNIGHT OF CUPS (reversed) -- Fraudulent emotion. A charming, but irresponsible person. I wonder who that is?

The third card, the card beneath, represents the basis of your query; this is something already a part of the experience.

EIGHT OF SWORDS (reversed) -- The lingering presence of a betrayal. Still hanging on...

The fourth card, the card behind, represents an element that is just coming to pass or has just passed.

NINE OF CUPS (reversed) -- Misleading freedom. Refusal to cleave to others.

The fifth card, the card that crowns, represents a possible aspect of the future. This is not a card of certainty.

NINE OF SWORDS (reversed) -- Slander. Suspicion.

The sixth card, the card before, represents strong aspects of the future surrounding your query.

THREE OF COINS -- Beauty. Balance. Harmony. Well-being.

With the seventh card begins the view into the deeper aspects of your situation. This card represents your fears, negative feelings or other uncertainties.

ACE OF CUPS -- The free reign of the heart in overflowing joy and abundant love.

The eighth card represents your family's (or close friends') influence or opinions. Think of this as the close external forces.

THE CHARIOT -- Victory. Triumph over opposition. New order. Change by force. The chariot of the soul pulled to one side by the force of vigilance and restraint, or drawn to the other side by the force of passions.

The next to last card represents your hopes and desires. The forces you are currently adding (conscious or otherwise).

FOUR OF CUPS (reversed) -- New faith. New hope. A return to trust.

The last card brings together the entire reading. This card represents the final outcome of your query.

FIVE OF CUPS (reversed) -- New friends and renewal of old friendships.

See which Greek Goddess you are.

Megan the Red Queen

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