Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-04-29 - 9:50 a.m.

Well, I was poking around looking for a worthwhile test to post but I only found one test so far I haven't taken and since I came out as "The Backstreet Boys" on that one I think I'll pass.

After all, I really don't have much in common with them except we're all based in Orlando. I have met two of them. They're leeetle! I wanted to pick them up and put them on shelves like dolls. :)

The weekend was spent missing a film audition (it was posted as lasting till 5 PM but they had left early... idiots), going to the doctor, getting prescriptions, having insomnia, and watching bits and parts of movies here and there. And reading bits and parts of books here and there.

Also I drove to my grandparents' new place. They just moved from Stuart to Palm Coast and have a really nice new house now. I so envy their kitchen. Kitty would just love it.

Kitty spent the weekend mucking about, mountaineering in the closet, making a great deal of noise, and figuring out how to get into the shredder. There is no way she could actually hurt herself in there because of the way it is set up, but it was still unnerving to see her in there. Especially since there is only a two-inch opening into the damned thing. Will said she must be a weasel, not a cat at all. Maybe she is actually a de-scented ferret. Nah.

Oh, and I gave her a bath so there was cat fluff all over the bathtub till I cleaned it out. I got enough fur to make two more cats out of that tub, and Kitty doesn't even look like she's missing any. Amazing.

Megan the Red Queen

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