Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-05-20 - 11:42 a.m.

Well, I got to see Attack of the Groans last night, finally. *sigh*

The second half was OK. Once the pseudo-courting-totally-lame part was over, it was OK. I loved the Yoda fight, I liked that there was less Jar-Jar, but wasn't C-3PO awfully lame?

And the love scenes, aaaaaaargh. If any guy said that to me, "I hate sand. It's all gritty and it gets in everything. But here everything is... smooth... and soft..."--if he said that to me, in all seriousness and not joking, I'd laugh my ass off, not kiss him!

There was no earthly reason why she should have fallen in love with him. He was an arrogant, whiny little assminer. I wanted to punt him.

But when she did tell him she loved him, and he was all "Uhh, I thought we couldn't be together. You said so," I'd have hightailed it then if I hadn't already. You dipshit. She's going out on a limb for you and you are throwing her gesture back in her face. What a moron.

What sort of geek are YOU?

Megan the Red Queen

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