Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-06-17 - 10:00 a.m.

It's been awhile since I updated, but I promise I have a good reason for it. I had to take last Thursday and Friday off to help get myself organized and ready to help my grandparents move from Venice to Sarasota.

What I didn't count on was the fact that on Thursday evening, I would develop a monstrous cold that would keep me in NyQuil all weekend.

I don't know about you, but NyQuil does NOT put me to sleep. It makes me so friggin hyper! I read on the back of the package that that is a common reaction in children. Hmm. Anyway, I didn't get much sleep.

Now I am back at work, bleah. Not having a very good day as I keep coughing and my Sudafed isn't decongesting me and I keep going deaf in alternate ears so must keep switching my headset back and forth.

On a good note, I got my tires fixed and my air conditioning and everything, to the tune of $560 total for everything. Sheesh.

And Baby Kitten is growing at the rate of nobody's business. He is supposed to weigh 3 pounds right now, but he weighs 4, and he is not fat. That's right, this kitten is already 1/3 bigger than he is supposed to be. And his paws are massive. He's going to be the size of a Labrador by the time he's done growing. He still doesn't even have his Big Cat teeth yet!

I've been having trouble getting him to eat his kitten food and stay out of Cinnamon's Grownup Cat Food. But after we went to the vet, now I only find him eating his food. I guess he listened. Crackmonkey.

There's my update!

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