Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-11-05 - 9:07 a.m.

Well, I really ought to know better than to try to take a nap directly after work. It doesn't usually happen properly, and last night was no exception. I never really got to sleep, so today I'm more exhausted than ever.

However, on the good side, yesterday Will got a call from Heather saying that she was very impressed with the house remodeling work done so far. The only thing was, she was under the impression that her closet door had not been painted and I distinctly remember (through the hallucination) doing that myself. Odd.

My Craft class should start up again this week. Heather is planning on having class every week but Thanksgiving and finishing us up by New Year's. That means I have some take-home tests to do that are woefully overdue, and also my worldview project. In addition, we have to start planning for Yule. Sheesh!

I heard an ad on the radio today for cheap one-way flights from Orlando International Airport. For the San Juan flight, they were saying that there was an "international excise tax" of around $14 on the flight. So I was thinking, "What's wrong with this picture? International excise tax? How do they get away with that? Isn't San Juan in Puerto Rico?" Then they also said that there was a "9/11 security fee" of $2.50 on each flight. Bah. How stupid. What a trendy name for a new fee. "Oh, I'm paying only an extra $2.50 a flight to be SAFE FROM TERRORISTS! Wow!"


Are you a good witch or a bad witch?

brought to you by Quizilla

You're a half and half!? That means you're the perfect witch! Your good side balances your bad! Way to go!

Megan the Red Queen

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