Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-12-09 - 10:51 a.m.

I don't know that I've completely come to terms with the cowardice of certain of my exes. But I'm getting better at it. I just think it is totally and completely pathetic that certain of them were incapable of treating me properly. Rather than show me some respect and say "It's over," and mean it, no, they had to string me along and pretend that they might be interested someday in doing something again, provided that I danced properly on the end of their string and performed adequately, pleasing them in every way I could think of. Then they'd consider it.


I've only ever broken up with one person, and I didn't enjoy doing it, but once I did it, I treated him as a friend but made it clear that it was definitely over so that he wouldn't hold out false hope and could actually start healing as soon as possible.

It's just too bad that these Certain People didn't respect me enough to do the same. In fact, based on information I've been getting recently, they did not respect me as much as they might a mosquito they would swat on a summer night.


Megan the Red Queen

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