Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-01-20 - 9:00 a.m.

Last night Will and I went to visit Cinnamon at the vet. They had her in a cage in the back room with other cats in cages around her. As soon as she saw us she started giving us a lecture on how mean it was of us to leave her in there, how annoying her IV was, etc.

Poor little kitty. They have an IV in her left front leg and her whole leg is wrapped up in blue gauze.

On the good side, apparently just yesterday she started eating. Not sure if it's going to last or if it'll be enough. But Cinnamon is a very stubborn kitty, and apparently a very picky eater. They had tried her on several different kinds of food over the weekend, including just plain old canned tuna, which she normally really likes, and she would not eat any of it even though she is on an intravenous appetite stimulant. They did find a food (one of the Science Diet dry foods) that she would eat, though, and she ate quite a lot of it while we were there. In between lecturing us and getting petted, of course.

If everything goes perfectly, we should be able to take her home today. But she's not out of the woods, and she still looks like someone took a yellow highlighter and colored all her skin with it. Poor kitty.

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