Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-01-21 - 12:01 p.m.

I had to take Cinnamon back to the vet again this morning. I gave her her first appetite stimulant pill and within fifteen seconds she had started foaming and promptly threw up the pill and a TON of food. It looked like a whole thing of p�t�.

They drew her blood again and ran the liver numbers. Of the four that were elevated before, they are all still elevated. Two are at the same level they were before, and two are slightly lower. They want to see her on Monday to run her numbers again and make sure they are still going down. She is still bright yellow and weighs less than eight pounds.

She is back at home after receiving an anti-nausea injection. She did fine with the blood drawing, but I guess the injection was just one too many needles because she TOTALLY flipped out and tried to kill the vet tech.

The vet told me to get some Pepcid A/C (which I did) and give Cinnamon half a pill twice a day to help her with the nausea.

It's just so hard to get her to eat.

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