Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-02-05 - 1:14 p.m.

Cinnamon was acting like she wanted to go outside today. All the cats were permitted to go outside on the porch at the old apartment; it had a rail and was on the second floor, so it was relatively safe and interesting for them. But now our doors all open to the ground level and the kitties have learned about stairs anyway, so they want to get out and there's no safe way to let them do it anymore.

I'm thinking about getting some more harnesses. We have a cat harness, but it is too damn small to fit any of the cats, including anorexic Cinnamon, or Gryphon who is still technically a kitten! So I was looking at small dog harnesses at PetSmart.com. Maybe I will get a few of those. Yukon certainly will need a dog harness. There is no way in hell he will fit into anything like a cat harness--he himself is the size of about eight Chihuahuas.

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