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2004-02-17 - 7:52 a.m.

Angel is canceled.

Personally, I'm relieved. I loved this show so much and now they have killed off every single character that was there in the beginning that I cared about. Angel and Spike aren't anything like they used to be.

Fred pisses me off royally and always did.

I say, if Joss can't be bothered to care about this show, then it ought to be let go.

Edited to add: Rob has stopped by to say that Fred dies in the next few episodes. Can I say, "YES!"? Apparently I can. OK. Anyway, yup. It's sad that Angel has to go, but I've been feeling about the show how I did about Buffy at the end of its run--the show is suffering, is becoming unrelentingly depressing, and either needs some new life infused into it (possibly more Harmony-focused episodes as she has way more personality and dimension than Fred?) or needs to be put down. *sigh* I wish it could be the first option; I truly do.

So, who is with me on thinking Lorne needs his own spinoff? And that they need to BRING BACK DOYLE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

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