Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-02-18 - 8:49 a.m.

Damn. I forgot to bring my fingerless gloves today and it is so cold that my hands ache--not a good thing when half your job is typing!

Anyway. Will and I took Cinnamon to the vet on Friday and got her numbers run again--they are FINALLY all but one in normal ranges, and the one that isn't is FAR closer to normal than it was. In fact, it's almost there! And she gained just over a pound since the last time she was at the vet, putting her at 8 pounds, 6.5 ounces. Good kitty!

I know she owes most of that to Will because he has been so diligent about making sure she's fed the soft food she likes, and kept away from the other cats so that THEY won't eat her food, and so we can tell how much she's eaten.

*sigh* We really need to find Will's alarm clock. I am too tired in the morning to always reset the alarm properly and half the time the room is so dark I can't see a thing anyway. But I think he is mad. I just called him and he sounded mad.

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