Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-03-23 - 11:45 a.m.

Confidential to Psycho Hose Beast:

I know that you are one of those people who desperately needs someone to blame other than themselves when things go wrong.

But do you think that you could, maybe, switch it around from time to time so that it isn't always me?

It might make it slightly less obvious, laughable, and just plain sad.

By the way, your little "talk to the hand" gesture was really cute too.

Would you please fucking grow up?

Oh, wait, I forgot, you're already sooooo far beyond me, because of finances or something? Hmm, yeah, that's pretty believable. You just keep telling yourself that.

As my dad says, "Rationalization is the key to mental health," and a more prime example than you I have never found.

Hope you enjoy being superior to every form of life on this Earth, including your supposed friends whom you verbally abuse in public.

What a waste of oxygen you are.

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