Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-04-13 - 12:43 p.m.

No, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I am just hanging out. Things are pretty busy and they will get worse before they get better. There is a fairly big finale planned for the current class I'm in, and that will all take place a week from Saturday. I hope that I can get through it all.

It will be interesting to get new groups for the next year. I had been enjoying mine, but Psycho Hose Beast has managed to screw all that up for me. It is a good lesson in corporate life, I suppose. There are always going to be Psycho Hose Beasts in life, who are willing to lie about anything and make anything up in order to make you look bad just so that they can look good in comparison...

I just sort of think that there ought to be some sort of maturity test before people are allowed in to grad school.

The others of my group pretty much let her run roughshod over them as well. They so much don't want to make waves that they let her do whatever she wants. I just got tired of her blaming everyone but herself when she messed up, and when I called her on it she tried to get me kicked out of the group by making up some really unbelievable stories. But the rest of the group didn't care that she was making this stuff up--they'd rather placate her and relegate me to the status of Most Useless Member.

I just don't personally think that a "See Spot Run. Run, Spot, Run" writing level is appropriate for our group papers, but oh well.

Tonight I'm going to go for a bike ride again. And I'm going to hug Will and all the cats! And I'm going to enjoy the fact that in less than two weeks, I will only have the San Francisco trip to get through, and then after that I will not have to deal with Psycho Hose Beast again!

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